Note: This is a review of the Limited Edition’s Content and not the game itself.
that time of the year again. The now annualized Assassin’s Creed Series is
continuing with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. As with the last title’s
Limited Edition (reviewed here), Black Flag’s bells and whistles version costs
considerably more than the standard edition. In fact, at 130 bucks, it is,
surprisingly, even more expensive than last year’s 120 dollar limited edition.
Flag’s Limited Edition will have to offer quite a lot of content in order to
justify its price point. One can only hope that it fairs as well as last year’s
excellent Assassin’s Creed III Limited Edition. As far as first impressions are
concerned, the size of Black Flag’s box in comparison to ACIII’s sets the stage
for what will hopefully be another excellent offering from Ubisoft.
What’s Included:
1) Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag game for PS4
2) Steelbook Case
3) Soundtrack
4) Hardcover Artbook
5) Assassin’s Creed IV Pirate Flag
6) Various DLC
7) Edward Kenway Statue
Flag’s box is a very boring affair. It is almost completely black and
surrounded on three of its sides with Black Flag’s pirate themed Assassin’s
Creed logo. The lone non-logo branded side shows a nice image of some of the
game’s characters.
the black box is a plastic slipcover that lists various game related
information. Usually these kinds of slipcovers are great because they allow the
box design underneath to not be tarnished with the kinds of ugly necessary
logos that are usually plastered on game boxes. Though the slip still serves
this purpose, the lack of any intriguing art on Black Flag’s box makes the slip
sort of unnecessary. In short, the inner box was not special enough to need
protection from the elements or branding.
far as the inside of the box is concerned, we see an almost exact recreation of
what was offered with ACIII’s Limited Edition. The flag, game, and artbook are
held in a cardboard book, of sorts, that has cavities for each item. Aside from
the cardboard tray/book, the rest of the box’s space is reserved for a large
plastic blister that protects and holds the Edward Kenway statue.
the whole, the packaging is functional and boring. Not that that should be a
problem. It’s what’s inside the package that should matter.
Steelbook Case:
old steelbook case. It’s become quite a staple in special editions. Sometimes
they’re done very well (as with the recent Last of Us release) and sometimes
they’re done very very poorly (as in the Metal Gear Rising LE). There are two
big problems that can befall a well-intentioned steelbook. The first problem is
the unforgivable choice to use DVD sized steelbooks for games that should come
in Bluray sized steelbooks. The other problem is when a steelbook uses art
assets that just don’t make for a compelling cover. Thankfully, the Black Flag
steelbook is the correct size and the art used, while not great, is certainly
not as bad as something like what we saw with Uncharted 3’s steelbook.
steelbook has the pirate assassin logo on the front and an image of Edward on
the back. The spine is clearly labeled. The inside includes a space for both
the soundtrack and game disc. It also has tabs for the game’s manual and
inserts. All in all, a nice package.
you’ve read some of my previous reviews, then you know that I don’t really care
too much for game soundtracks. Though the music is usually good, I don’t really
know when I would ever be in the mood to listen to it. The same is true of this
soundtrack. The songs are of good quality and most are very reminiscent of the
kind of music used in Disney’s Pirates movies (no surprise there).
few non-Pirates of the Caribbean style songs are the ones found at the end of
the soundtrack. The last eight songs are sea shanties that sound curiously
Irish. They are quite excellent. It seems a shame that Ubisoft didn’t see fit
to include more of them. Or to even include a separate disc with only sea
shanties. Or to just omit the game’s score entirely.
Soundtrack, thankfully, comes on an actual disc and it is housed safely in the
steelbook. Unlike most soundtracks, this one will get at least some replay due
to the last eight tracks, but there is still the unfortunate case that most of
the soundtrack is, to me, mostly useless.
Hardcover Artbook:
am getting pretty tired of these little mini-artbooks that we are getting. If
the purpose of an artbook is to present art, then why are we getting books that
make it harder to appreciate the art?
included artbook is hardbound, thin, and small. The quality of the artwork
inside is absolutely phenomenal. Ubisoft’s concept artists are firing on all
cylinders always and the included art is a testament to that fact. The art is
divided into sections. The paper and print quality seems good enough. The only
real failing with this artbook is the aforementioned size. At the pricepoint
that this edition is at, I don’t think it would have been impossible to give us
something a bit more hefty.
Assassin’s Pirate Flag:
huge. It’s 24x28 inches. It’s the exact same size as last year’s Colonial
Assassin flag. It’s a fantastic inclusion. Though not as complex as last year’s
flag, it is still a quality item with actual stitching. This is not some cheap
wallscroll. This is an actual working (sadly, polyester) flag with rivets on
the end to aid in its use with a flagpole.
this thing is wicked cool.
Various DLC:
The DLC included is as follows:
1) Black Island Pack (Gamestop Exclusive)
2) Pirate’s Bounty Pack (first run?)
3) Captain Kenway’s Legacy Pack (first run?)
4) Uplay Passport (Disguised DRM)
5) 60 Minutes Exclusive Sony Content (PS3/4 Only)
6) Bonus 250 Gamestop PowerUp points (Gamestop Exclusive)
I discuss the DLC, please note that it seems as though none of the included DLC
is specific to the Limited Edition of Black Flag. As such, it is going to be listed
here, but it will not be considered as being part of the Edition in my
The first three pieces of DLC are
on a card that is inside the steelbook. The content is likely nothing special.
Like most day one DLC, it seems to be more a case of removing content from
regular editions than it does adding extra to special editions. The first pack
is exclusive to Gamestop editions of the game. The second two are a mystery.
They aren’t listed on Gamestop’s website. Presumably they are included in all first
edition runs of the game, though I’m not sure. For those curious about what’s
included, the following link to Ubisoft’s support site explains the first and
third items (link). The link also tells you how to access the content. For what
it’s worth, I think it’s a bad sign when bonus content is so difficult to
access within the game that there needs to be a support page devoted to it. The
only information I could find for the Pirate’s Bounty pack was at the following
link (link).
Uplay passport is an online pass. This may not be necessary anymore. I am not
certain what’s going on with these online passes. It’s all very silly. It is
included on a separate card.
Sony exclusive content is supposed to have missions involving AC Liberation’s
Aveline. I am very much looking forward to this. The DLC is included via a code
on the back of the manual. This is vey strange. Why not just include it on the
disc if all copies will come with it?
PowerUp rewards points. These were nice enough I guess. PowerUp rewards points
can be redeemed for coupons and such, so it’s nice to get a few extra ones. The
downside was the I had to sign up for some garbage thing called “Kongregate.”
the included DLC is not as big a mess as Darksiders 2’s was, I’m getting pretty
tired of DLC requiring the use of so many different codes. Is it too much to
ask to just input one code for all of the content? If Capcom’s Street Fighter
25th Anniversary set was able to include a billion items (194 actually) with one
code, then why can’t other publishers follow their example?
Edward Kenway Statue:
from the flag, the other really big reason to even want Black Flag’s Limited
Edition is the included statue. The statue shares a lot in common with last
year’s ACIII Connor statue (no surprise). The plastic used, the paint quality,
and the build quality are all comparable to the Connor statue. Which is to say
that it is a well made and well executed statue. The plastic used is soft enough to ensure that, though
sturdy, the statue is not overly brittle. Once assembled, the statue has a nice
weight to it. This helps it to not feel too cheap (a problem with many included
the statue together is fairly easy. You just insert pegs into holes and tie
some rope. The only really difficult part is trying to figure out how to best
position the flag. Because the base is not heavy, the distribution of weight is
very important to keeping the statue upright. If the flag is not correctly
counterbalancing the weight of Edward, the base will tip and the statue will be
crooked. It’s not rocket science, but it is something to consider when putting
the statue together.
once it’s together, boy is it big. I was not expecting the statue to be bigger
than last year’s statue, but it is. The thing looks quite beautiful. Though the
detailing in the sculpt is nothing to dismiss, the illusion of motion created
by the sculpt is, by far, its most impressive aspect. Looking at the statue, I
keep waiting for Edward to finish sliding down the ship’s mast.
paint on this statue is serviceable. There is paint slop in many many places.
It is also not too distracting. Like with some of NECA’s figures, a small
amount of slop on figures is okay when it isn’t too distracting.
Edward Kenway statue is now my second favorite game edition statue. My favorite
is still the ACIII one. Though this one is in many ways better, the Connor
statue just seems far more iconic. Maybe this will change once I finish playing
Black Flag.
could have bought an extra game for what this Edition costs. That is a tough
amount of value for a game edition to include. The flag and the statue are both
great. They definitely add value to this edition. The soundtrack, steelbook,
and tiny artbook, however, don’t really add much to the total package. Unlike
last year’s slightly cheaper ACIII LE, I don’t quite think that this Limited
Edition earns its price tag.
said, the statue and flag’s awesomeness are enough to make Black Flag’s Limited
Edition worth serious consideration for fans of the series. I find myself
feeling as though I paid more for the included items than I should have had to,
but I don’t feel as though the content was bad or lacking enough for me to have
been ripped off.
for fans of the series, it might be a good idea to wait and see if the price on
this one drops before picking it up. That said, if you are worried about being
able to get one later on, be prepared to feel like you paid a bit too much for
some admittedly cool stuff.
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